"Reclaiming Your Life When It's Been Stolen From You"
This Saturday, February 27, 2016 in Tampa, FL
The seminar will teach:
-The first and most important step a former member needs to take to heal from the damage that’s been done
-How to recognize cult-created filters that keep former members from having healthy, happy relationships, and how to eliminate those filters
-What former congregants need to remember when trust is broken outside their religion, and how to get it back
-How to respond when former cult members hear the phrase “just move on”
-3 mistakes most people make in coping with the damage done by their past religion
-30 simple steps anyone can take to reclaim their life when it’s been stolen from them
-How “Religious Trauma Syndrome” may apply to former cult members and those raised in authoritative, controlling settings
-The special and unique dangers faced by cult members and those in similar religions when it comes to their mental and emotional health, and its long-term effects
For more information, click here: http://ow.ly/YFKir
Since 2013, Families Against Cult Teachings (F.A.C.T.) has been helping victims and families of cults, undue influence, group exploitation and abuse to heal and recover while exposing the guilty parties. Our mission is to support a more informed public where prevention is achieved through education and to see justice brought to light in cases of cultic abuse and trafficking.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Monday, February 22, 2016
CBS News investigating Guy Miller Ministries - KDKA-TV 2
Since the conclusion of our expose last week on Guy Miller Ministries, some of the alleged victims have come forward to support the CBS News investigation currently underway. We at FACT thank them for their courage to tell their stories on camera in an effort to expose and effect change.
If you believe you've been victimized by Guy Miller Ministries and would like to take part in this investigation, please contact reporter Andy Sheehan at 1-412-575-2245 immediately.
Coming up soon is our expose on Marc Gafni, so stay tuned...
Since the conclusion of our expose last week on Guy Miller Ministries, some of the alleged victims have come forward to support the CBS News investigation currently underway. We at FACT thank them for their courage to tell their stories on camera in an effort to expose and effect change.
If you believe you've been victimized by Guy Miller Ministries and would like to take part in this investigation, please contact reporter Andy Sheehan at 1-412-575-2245 immediately.
Coming up soon is our expose on Marc Gafni, so stay tuned...

Wednesday, February 17, 2016
EXPOSE: Guy Miller Ministries – CONCLUSION
EXPOSE: Guy Miller Ministries – CONCLUSION
Church Leader: Guy Miller
Location: 2100 Versailles Ave, McKeesport, PA
EIN: 25-1386726
AKA: Church of Life in Christ; Preach My Word Ministries
According to the numerous complaints received about Guy Miller Ministries, an analysis of the allegations utilizing the B.I.T.E. model define this church group as a destructive cult that is using many different control methods and techniques on congregants.
The allegations raise red flags in three out of four categories of the B.I.T.E. model: Behavior Control, Thought Control, and Emotional Control.
For more information about the B.I.T.E. model developed by Steven Hassan, one of the most experienced cult experts in the field, visit www.freedomofmind.com/Info/BITE/bitemodel.php
In addition, the allegations found in many different complaints state the exploitation and abuse of members, including the abuse of children.
We’ve alerted various local media agencies in the McKeesport, PA area and CBS Pittsburg is moving ahead with a special investigation / expose on this ministry to be televised. If you feel you have been victimized by Miller and/or his leadership and want to share your story, or any information regarding GMM, please contact reporter Andy Sheehan directly at 412-575-2245.
“Wow.... I can't believe someone is finally exposing this man. I saw his early beginning and know marriages that ended once they went to this place called church. He is and always been a full blown cult.”
“Shunning has torn families apart. Relatives cut people out of their lives because they dare to go to a different church.”
“Spent my childhood there and ran as fast as I could the second I turned eighteen. I believe ALL of these allegations.”
“The paddles with holes and a scripture on them was so hypocritical. Child abuse was a daily thing.”
“It's about time Guy W. Miller gets the attention he deserves.”
“My brother was physically abused on many occasions through spanking done by deacons.”
“This is a cult. There is no doubt in my mind. I spent many, many years there and nobody believed stories I told about it until you came out with your investigation. Thank you.”
We will keep you updated with any further developments.
-The FACT Team
Church Leader: Guy Miller
Location: 2100 Versailles Ave, McKeesport, PA
EIN: 25-1386726
AKA: Church of Life in Christ; Preach My Word Ministries
According to the numerous complaints received about Guy Miller Ministries, an analysis of the allegations utilizing the B.I.T.E. model define this church group as a destructive cult that is using many different control methods and techniques on congregants.
The allegations raise red flags in three out of four categories of the B.I.T.E. model: Behavior Control, Thought Control, and Emotional Control.
For more information about the B.I.T.E. model developed by Steven Hassan, one of the most experienced cult experts in the field, visit www.freedomofmind.com/Info/BITE/bitemodel.php
In addition, the allegations found in many different complaints state the exploitation and abuse of members, including the abuse of children.
We’ve alerted various local media agencies in the McKeesport, PA area and CBS Pittsburg is moving ahead with a special investigation / expose on this ministry to be televised. If you feel you have been victimized by Miller and/or his leadership and want to share your story, or any information regarding GMM, please contact reporter Andy Sheehan directly at 412-575-2245.
“Wow.... I can't believe someone is finally exposing this man. I saw his early beginning and know marriages that ended once they went to this place called church. He is and always been a full blown cult.”
“Shunning has torn families apart. Relatives cut people out of their lives because they dare to go to a different church.”
“Spent my childhood there and ran as fast as I could the second I turned eighteen. I believe ALL of these allegations.”
“The paddles with holes and a scripture on them was so hypocritical. Child abuse was a daily thing.”
“It's about time Guy W. Miller gets the attention he deserves.”
“My brother was physically abused on many occasions through spanking done by deacons.”
“This is a cult. There is no doubt in my mind. I spent many, many years there and nobody believed stories I told about it until you came out with your investigation. Thank you.”
We will keep you updated with any further developments.
-The FACT Team
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
EXPOSE: Guy Miller Ministries – PART 4
EXPOSE: Guy Miller Ministries – PART 4
Church Leader: Guy Miller
Location: 2100 Versailles Ave, McKeesport, PA
EIN: 25-1386726
AKA: Church of Life in Christ; Preach My Word Ministries
According to complaints, many ex-members of this church state that Guy Miller utilized control tactics and other methods to manipulate members and keep them obedient. Allegedly he is controlling the lives of congregants, ruining marriages / tearing apart families, controlling who is allowed to enter into his church and even threatening those who want to leave with spiritual retribution / damnation.
“This church is all about control. All members are expected to attend all three services each week. There are assigned seats. Whoever Guy Miller was upset with at the time would be the focus of his sermon. Guy Miller would yell at the member from the pulpit right in front of family members and congregation. If someone dare miss a service or leave the church altogether, Guy Miller would scream, yell and preach at the empty seat where the member once sat. Family members were mortified, and most people were too afraid to leave because of what would be said about them and the trouble it would cause their remaining family members.”
“We are told this is the only church and if we leave we will find death and that Guy is the way to life.”
“People watch to see who is coming into the church and you will be stopped if not a regular member. If you want to bring a significant other they must go through a "process" and meetings.”
“They do things to people that have left.”
“They have destroyed many " MANY" marriages and families along with relationships I had with best friends inside the cult.”
“I used to secretly dream of being able to leave, but always feared some sort of spiritual retribution or that I'd be cursed and never happy if I left and sought my own way through life.”
“I went to Guy Millers church for most of my life. It was very controlling; you were always pinned against someone for doing the best at his church. He controlled every aspect of your life because you needed to counsel and do what Guy says. It's been a year since I've been out and I’m just coming to terms speaking about it. It's a terrible place.”
“You couldn't pray to God you could only ask Guy for counsel. If you left you couldn't talk to your family.”
TOMORROW WE WILL BE CONCLUDING OUR EXPOSE on Guy Miller Ministries, so stay tuned...
Church Leader: Guy Miller
Location: 2100 Versailles Ave, McKeesport, PA
EIN: 25-1386726
AKA: Church of Life in Christ; Preach My Word Ministries
According to complaints, many ex-members of this church state that Guy Miller utilized control tactics and other methods to manipulate members and keep them obedient. Allegedly he is controlling the lives of congregants, ruining marriages / tearing apart families, controlling who is allowed to enter into his church and even threatening those who want to leave with spiritual retribution / damnation.
“This church is all about control. All members are expected to attend all three services each week. There are assigned seats. Whoever Guy Miller was upset with at the time would be the focus of his sermon. Guy Miller would yell at the member from the pulpit right in front of family members and congregation. If someone dare miss a service or leave the church altogether, Guy Miller would scream, yell and preach at the empty seat where the member once sat. Family members were mortified, and most people were too afraid to leave because of what would be said about them and the trouble it would cause their remaining family members.”
“We are told this is the only church and if we leave we will find death and that Guy is the way to life.”
“People watch to see who is coming into the church and you will be stopped if not a regular member. If you want to bring a significant other they must go through a "process" and meetings.”
“They do things to people that have left.”
“They have destroyed many " MANY" marriages and families along with relationships I had with best friends inside the cult.”
“I used to secretly dream of being able to leave, but always feared some sort of spiritual retribution or that I'd be cursed and never happy if I left and sought my own way through life.”
“I went to Guy Millers church for most of my life. It was very controlling; you were always pinned against someone for doing the best at his church. He controlled every aspect of your life because you needed to counsel and do what Guy says. It's been a year since I've been out and I’m just coming to terms speaking about it. It's a terrible place.”
“You couldn't pray to God you could only ask Guy for counsel. If you left you couldn't talk to your family.”
TOMORROW WE WILL BE CONCLUDING OUR EXPOSE on Guy Miller Ministries, so stay tuned...
Monday, February 15, 2016
EXPOSE: Guy Miller Ministries – PART 3
EXPOSE: Guy Miller Ministries – PART 3
Church Leader: Guy Miller
Location: 2100 Versailles Ave, McKeesport, PA
EIN: 25-1386726
AKA: Church of Life in Christ; Preach My Word Ministries
A key distinction between a safe religious group and a cult group is when members are allowed to question or even reject dogmatic tenets / group policies without being punished for it. A typical form of punishment for this by many cults is the practice of shunning. For those who are not aware, when a member is shunned, all forms of communication are disallowed between active members and the ex-member, even with family members.
Many religions make exclusive claims to truth. There is nothing wrong with that. Many systems of philosophy do the same. The harm stems from a system that shuns and ostracizes adherents that don't accept their exclusive claims to truth. Forcing people to conform by using the threat of social alienation is a form of coercion.
According to ex-member complaints, this is exactly what is going on within Guy Miller Ministries. Many victims state that the leadership’s usage of shunning is ripping apart families without regard for their wellbeing.
“There are several families that have been torn apart because of the teachings and beliefs being spread to the congregation.”
“As a member of the church, if you happen to associate with ex members, you are highly frowned upon and made to feel unworthy and sinful.”
“The 'church' name is under Guy Miller Ministries, Inc. It is an incredibly sad 'church' that obsesses over authority, and dictates "natural affection".... not getting too close with anyone else (including family) because the 'church' needs to come first. He has been excommunicated from his 'family' starting about 2 months ago because I would not convert to go to this place.”
“I am not allowed contact with our brother who left the church. Family members excommunicated is very common.”
"My family all quit going after a while and my family lost all communications with my grandparents all because we stopped going."
"I am also a victim of Guy Miller's cult. I left a few days before my [age removed] birthday. My parents and siblings shunned me. The rest of my family still attending doesn't speak to me. I've had no contact with them in years. I'm now [age removed] years old and living my own life in another state. I can provide much more info on this cult if it matters. I'm scarred for life from this man."
PART FOUR COMING TOMORROW dealing with the alleged control tactics used by the GMM leadership on congregants. Stay tuned...
Church Leader: Guy Miller
Location: 2100 Versailles Ave, McKeesport, PA
EIN: 25-1386726
AKA: Church of Life in Christ; Preach My Word Ministries
A key distinction between a safe religious group and a cult group is when members are allowed to question or even reject dogmatic tenets / group policies without being punished for it. A typical form of punishment for this by many cults is the practice of shunning. For those who are not aware, when a member is shunned, all forms of communication are disallowed between active members and the ex-member, even with family members.
Many religions make exclusive claims to truth. There is nothing wrong with that. Many systems of philosophy do the same. The harm stems from a system that shuns and ostracizes adherents that don't accept their exclusive claims to truth. Forcing people to conform by using the threat of social alienation is a form of coercion.
According to ex-member complaints, this is exactly what is going on within Guy Miller Ministries. Many victims state that the leadership’s usage of shunning is ripping apart families without regard for their wellbeing.
“There are several families that have been torn apart because of the teachings and beliefs being spread to the congregation.”
“As a member of the church, if you happen to associate with ex members, you are highly frowned upon and made to feel unworthy and sinful.”
“The 'church' name is under Guy Miller Ministries, Inc. It is an incredibly sad 'church' that obsesses over authority, and dictates "natural affection".... not getting too close with anyone else (including family) because the 'church' needs to come first. He has been excommunicated from his 'family' starting about 2 months ago because I would not convert to go to this place.”
“I am not allowed contact with our brother who left the church. Family members excommunicated is very common.”
"My family all quit going after a while and my family lost all communications with my grandparents all because we stopped going."
"I am also a victim of Guy Miller's cult. I left a few days before my [age removed] birthday. My parents and siblings shunned me. The rest of my family still attending doesn't speak to me. I've had no contact with them in years. I'm now [age removed] years old and living my own life in another state. I can provide much more info on this cult if it matters. I'm scarred for life from this man."
PART FOUR COMING TOMORROW dealing with the alleged control tactics used by the GMM leadership on congregants. Stay tuned...
Friday, February 12, 2016
EXPOSE: Guy Miller Ministries – PART 2
EXPOSE: Guy Miller Ministries – PART 2
Church Leader: Guy Miller
Location: 2100 Versailles Ave, McKeesport, PA
EIN: 25-1386726
AKA: Church of Life in Christ; Preach My Word Ministries
There are many different ways in which groups / leaders can abuse members, whether it is physically, mentally, sexually, and/or financially. Many of the complaints that have come in about Miller’s church are very similar descriptively, especially regarding the allegations of abuse.
Numerous ex-members of this church claim to have been physically and/or mentally abused by this organization as a means of behavior control, including the frequent spanking of children in private rooms designated for this purpose. One ex-member even quotes Guy Miller saying during one of his sermons that, "all homosexuals should kill themselves”.
Also according to ex-members, Miller and his church staff put a lot of pressure on congregants to tithe 10% of their gross earnings without fail, plus giving considerable donations during special collection times to “bless the pastor” (for Miller to use as he wishes).
“When i was younger I got spanked for something almost every week we went.”
“There were rooms specific for spanking children who misbehaved.”
“If you were in trouble at the church Guy and his sons or the "anointed men" would take you upstairs and threaten you both physically and verbally, they did this to my brother when he told someone he was at a cult. For the girls Guy had a secretary and his daughter who were very intimidating and would take you upstairs and verbally threaten you.”
“There is a strong focus on discipline. Spanking children is a frequent occurrence, usually done in private rooms.”
“Family members yelled at during the 'church services'."
“Shortly after I came out as homosexual to Guy Miller, he had a sermon where he preached that all homosexuals should kill themselves. In counseling sessions with Guy and his assistant Dar Smith, he told me I must have been molested as a child, and that I am not wired properly. He tried to make me feel I had something wrong with me.”
“We all had to give extra tithes and he told us it was going to him. Also every Sunday morning there is a tithe collected and then there is a basket that goes directly to Guy and we all were encouraged to give him the money. There was a strong emphasis on tithing and if you didn't tithe enough they called you out during the service or privately pulled you aside and told you to tithe more.”
“Guy told us several times our tithes went to his Disney or Mrytle Beach vacations where he took all of his family and staff. He also told us it was for his new cars. By blessing him we were doing Gods will for our lives.”
“He is crazy and is driven by a very attractive secretary and they have taken huge financial advantage of the members to the point of them loosing their savings and even their homes.”
“Sundays mornings we would just stand there and clap. Then we'd march around the pews and throw our tithe envelopes in the bins and people were often encouraged to through bills into a basket that went directly to Guy.”
“My Mother lost her family home because my father tithed away the mortgage money.”
“There are special "bless the pastor" days where people are encouraged to give extra financial donations on top of their tithes, for the pastor to use however he chooses. The funds are then used to go on vacations, sometimes with the closest members of the clergy, or to buy new cars etc...”
PART THREE COMING MONDAY, focusing on reports of shunning that have torn families apart from the alleged teachings and dictates of Guy Miller.
Church Leader: Guy Miller
Location: 2100 Versailles Ave, McKeesport, PA
EIN: 25-1386726
AKA: Church of Life in Christ; Preach My Word Ministries
There are many different ways in which groups / leaders can abuse members, whether it is physically, mentally, sexually, and/or financially. Many of the complaints that have come in about Miller’s church are very similar descriptively, especially regarding the allegations of abuse.
Numerous ex-members of this church claim to have been physically and/or mentally abused by this organization as a means of behavior control, including the frequent spanking of children in private rooms designated for this purpose. One ex-member even quotes Guy Miller saying during one of his sermons that, "all homosexuals should kill themselves”.
Also according to ex-members, Miller and his church staff put a lot of pressure on congregants to tithe 10% of their gross earnings without fail, plus giving considerable donations during special collection times to “bless the pastor” (for Miller to use as he wishes).
“When i was younger I got spanked for something almost every week we went.”
“There were rooms specific for spanking children who misbehaved.”
“If you were in trouble at the church Guy and his sons or the "anointed men" would take you upstairs and threaten you both physically and verbally, they did this to my brother when he told someone he was at a cult. For the girls Guy had a secretary and his daughter who were very intimidating and would take you upstairs and verbally threaten you.”
“There is a strong focus on discipline. Spanking children is a frequent occurrence, usually done in private rooms.”
“Family members yelled at during the 'church services'."
“Shortly after I came out as homosexual to Guy Miller, he had a sermon where he preached that all homosexuals should kill themselves. In counseling sessions with Guy and his assistant Dar Smith, he told me I must have been molested as a child, and that I am not wired properly. He tried to make me feel I had something wrong with me.”
“We all had to give extra tithes and he told us it was going to him. Also every Sunday morning there is a tithe collected and then there is a basket that goes directly to Guy and we all were encouraged to give him the money. There was a strong emphasis on tithing and if you didn't tithe enough they called you out during the service or privately pulled you aside and told you to tithe more.”
“Guy told us several times our tithes went to his Disney or Mrytle Beach vacations where he took all of his family and staff. He also told us it was for his new cars. By blessing him we were doing Gods will for our lives.”
“He is crazy and is driven by a very attractive secretary and they have taken huge financial advantage of the members to the point of them loosing their savings and even their homes.”
“Sundays mornings we would just stand there and clap. Then we'd march around the pews and throw our tithe envelopes in the bins and people were often encouraged to through bills into a basket that went directly to Guy.”
“My Mother lost her family home because my father tithed away the mortgage money.”
“There are special "bless the pastor" days where people are encouraged to give extra financial donations on top of their tithes, for the pastor to use however he chooses. The funds are then used to go on vacations, sometimes with the closest members of the clergy, or to buy new cars etc...”
PART THREE COMING MONDAY, focusing on reports of shunning that have torn families apart from the alleged teachings and dictates of Guy Miller.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
EXPOSE: Guy Miller Ministries – PART 1
EXPOSE: Guy Miller Ministries – PART 1
Church Leader: Guy Miller
Location: 2100 Versailles Ave, McKeesport, PA
EIN: 25-1386726
Our organization has received numerous serious complaints about this nondenominational church. Ex-members claim that Guy Miller is running his church like a cult, having experienced and/or witnessed acts of child abuse, member abuse and exploitation, financial exploitation, shunning, and more. They state that Miller manipulates members with fear, guilt and shame tactics to keep them under control as well.
Our initial investigation found virtually no information about Guy Miller or his church online. They do not have a website or mission statement published anywhere that we could find. The only exceptions were an unofficial and undeveloped Facebook page that is “not affiliated with or endorsed by anyone associated with Guy Miller Ministries Inc” and another website which states that Guy Miller Ministries (GMM) “Provides transportation to medical appointments, financial assistance, clothing and furniture to pregnant women.” No other online descriptions or comments about Miller and his church that we could find.
What some of the past victims of this church have to say:
“Stay away from this place. They believe if you don't go to their church, you aren't going to heaven. If you leave this church, the people there are not allowed to talk to you anymore. This man is a cult leader......stay away!!!!”
“I am trying to reach out to other people who left to also file a complaint, it is sad that there are so many people whose lives were ruined because of this awful place.”
“I was a member of that cult for 20 years and can’t tell you how long it took me to finally de-program myself with great support. It is a very dangerous cult and I want to make sure my identity is not compromised. I have been out of it for 11 years.”
“I would recommend to anyone who reads this that if someone tries to take you to this "church", run, run far and run fast because it will probably damage your life.”
PART TWO COMING TOMORROW focusing on the numerous allegations of member abuse by church leaders, so stay tuned...
Church Leader: Guy Miller
Location: 2100 Versailles Ave, McKeesport, PA
EIN: 25-1386726
Our organization has received numerous serious complaints about this nondenominational church. Ex-members claim that Guy Miller is running his church like a cult, having experienced and/or witnessed acts of child abuse, member abuse and exploitation, financial exploitation, shunning, and more. They state that Miller manipulates members with fear, guilt and shame tactics to keep them under control as well.
Our initial investigation found virtually no information about Guy Miller or his church online. They do not have a website or mission statement published anywhere that we could find. The only exceptions were an unofficial and undeveloped Facebook page that is “not affiliated with or endorsed by anyone associated with Guy Miller Ministries Inc” and another website which states that Guy Miller Ministries (GMM) “Provides transportation to medical appointments, financial assistance, clothing and furniture to pregnant women.” No other online descriptions or comments about Miller and his church that we could find.
What some of the past victims of this church have to say:
“Stay away from this place. They believe if you don't go to their church, you aren't going to heaven. If you leave this church, the people there are not allowed to talk to you anymore. This man is a cult leader......stay away!!!!”
“I am trying to reach out to other people who left to also file a complaint, it is sad that there are so many people whose lives were ruined because of this awful place.”
“I was a member of that cult for 20 years and can’t tell you how long it took me to finally de-program myself with great support. It is a very dangerous cult and I want to make sure my identity is not compromised. I have been out of it for 11 years.”
“I would recommend to anyone who reads this that if someone tries to take you to this "church", run, run far and run fast because it will probably damage your life.”
PART TWO COMING TOMORROW focusing on the numerous allegations of member abuse by church leaders, so stay tuned...

Tuesday, February 9, 2016
A complaint came in about the 'Grace Bible Church' in College Station, TX who is allegedly actively recruiting students on the campus of Texas A&M University.
As per their own admission as stated on the church's website, "Very early, the church leaders began to see the strategic location of the Texas A&M University campus to the location of Grace Bible Church and the importance of beginning a ministry to college students."
The complaint states that since joining this church the alleged victim has dropped interest in pursuing a career, has dramatically changed in personality, and has turned against family with limited to no communication.
We are in the process of thoroughly investigating this church. If you and/or someone you know has been victimized by this organization, please contact us immediately,
As per their own admission as stated on the church's website, "Very early, the church leaders began to see the strategic location of the Texas A&M University campus to the location of Grace Bible Church and the importance of beginning a ministry to college students."
The complaint states that since joining this church the alleged victim has dropped interest in pursuing a career, has dramatically changed in personality, and has turned against family with limited to no communication.
We are in the process of thoroughly investigating this church. If you and/or someone you know has been victimized by this organization, please contact us immediately,

Friday, February 5, 2016
According to reports, Julio “Assad” Pino, an associate professor of history at Kent State University, is accused of not just pledging allegiance to the terror group, but also of trying to recruit students to join ISIS, Steve Doocy said on Fox and Friends.
In a 2014 “open letter” to “academic friends of Israel,” he accused pro-Israel members of the academic community as being “directly responsible for the murder of over 1,400 Palestinian children, women and elderly civilians.” He signed that letter “Jihad until victory!”
He also shouted “Death to Israel” during a presentation by a former Israeli official in 2011, eulogized a Palestinian suicide bomber in the Kent Stater and allegedly posted jihad-promoting messages on a jihad website in 2007.
The call to join ISIS from Pino's purported Facebook page was just one of many troubling posts.
"Pushes his personal views WAY too much," one student wrote. "Stay away from him. Awful professor."
In August 2012, the account posted a photo of Pino standing in front of the U.S. Capitol Building. A comment below the picture from Pino's account said, "I come to bury D.C., not to praise it."
Ryan Mauro, a National Security Analyst for the Clarion Project, called some of the postings "smoking gun material."
"Anyone that is a supporter of ISIS needs to be considered an imminent threat," Mauro told FoxNews.com. "If I was a student there, I would not go on campus, personally."
In a 2014 “open letter” to “academic friends of Israel,” he accused pro-Israel members of the academic community as being “directly responsible for the murder of over 1,400 Palestinian children, women and elderly civilians.” He signed that letter “Jihad until victory!”
He also shouted “Death to Israel” during a presentation by a former Israeli official in 2011, eulogized a Palestinian suicide bomber in the Kent Stater and allegedly posted jihad-promoting messages on a jihad website in 2007.
The call to join ISIS from Pino's purported Facebook page was just one of many troubling posts.
"Pushes his personal views WAY too much," one student wrote. "Stay away from him. Awful professor."
In August 2012, the account posted a photo of Pino standing in front of the U.S. Capitol Building. A comment below the picture from Pino's account said, "I come to bury D.C., not to praise it."
Ryan Mauro, a National Security Analyst for the Clarion Project, called some of the postings "smoking gun material."
"Anyone that is a supporter of ISIS needs to be considered an imminent threat," Mauro told FoxNews.com. "If I was a student there, I would not go on campus, personally."
Monday, February 1, 2016
Los Angeles jury on Tuesday awarded more than $6.4 million in the first of a series of lawsuits against renowned yoga guru Bikram Choudhury in which women accuse the founder of the popular Bikram yoga style of sexual misconduct.
The verdict marks a significant financial and legal blow to Choudhury, who claimed millions of followers in a global empire centered around “hot yoga,” performed in sweltering rooms.
The case involved a lawsuit by his onetime legal advisor, Minakshi Jafa-Bodden, who alleged that Choudhury sexually harassed her while she worked for him and that she was fired after she began investigating claims that he had raped a yoga student. Six other women in recent years have filed civil lawsuits accusing Choudhury of sexually assaulting them.
Choudhury has denied any wrongdoing, and Los Angeles County prosecutors decided not to file criminal charges in several cases, saying there was no corroborating evidence.
The Beverly Hills resident testified Tuesday that he has spent millions of dollars on legal bills in recent years and that his Los Angeles-based yoga business has waned, leaving him nearly bankrupt.
“I have to borrow money from my family and friends,” he told jurors. “I have no money.”

Under cross-examination, Choudhury admitted keeping a fleet of up to 40 luxury cars — including Bentleys, Ferraris and Rolls-Royces — in a Van Nuys garage. He said he gave the vehicles to the state to start a school, the “Bikram auto engineering school for children.” The remarks drew smirks and laughs from several jurors. A spokeswoman for the governor told The Times no such agreement exists.
Tuesday’s award of punitive damages came on top of more than $924,500 that jurors awarded Jafa-Bodden in compensatory damages Monday.
“I feel vindicated, I'm elated,” Jafa-Bodden said after the verdict, describing Choudhury as “a dangerous, dangerous predator.”
The verdict marks a significant financial and legal blow to Choudhury, who claimed millions of followers in a global empire centered around “hot yoga,” performed in sweltering rooms.
The case involved a lawsuit by his onetime legal advisor, Minakshi Jafa-Bodden, who alleged that Choudhury sexually harassed her while she worked for him and that she was fired after she began investigating claims that he had raped a yoga student. Six other women in recent years have filed civil lawsuits accusing Choudhury of sexually assaulting them.
Choudhury has denied any wrongdoing, and Los Angeles County prosecutors decided not to file criminal charges in several cases, saying there was no corroborating evidence.
The Beverly Hills resident testified Tuesday that he has spent millions of dollars on legal bills in recent years and that his Los Angeles-based yoga business has waned, leaving him nearly bankrupt.
“I have to borrow money from my family and friends,” he told jurors. “I have no money.”

Under cross-examination, Choudhury admitted keeping a fleet of up to 40 luxury cars — including Bentleys, Ferraris and Rolls-Royces — in a Van Nuys garage. He said he gave the vehicles to the state to start a school, the “Bikram auto engineering school for children.” The remarks drew smirks and laughs from several jurors. A spokeswoman for the governor told The Times no such agreement exists.
Tuesday’s award of punitive damages came on top of more than $924,500 that jurors awarded Jafa-Bodden in compensatory damages Monday.
“I feel vindicated, I'm elated,” Jafa-Bodden said after the verdict, describing Choudhury as “a dangerous, dangerous predator.”
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