We would like to thank you for your continued support in our mission. As we reflect on the past years accomplishments & how we’ve made a difference, we are happy knowing we’ve reached thousands of victims and helped them with valuable resources, education, and support in their journey to understand, cope with and overcome the abuses they’ve endured and or are advocating against.
Some of our work this past year includes:
The compilation of an extensive 40 plus page Resource Guide that everyone who emails us receives immediately.
We launched an online support group where people who are struggling with these situations can ask questions, share stories and get peer to peer support in a private support group setting.
We’ve mailed our printed preventative education materials to countless parents and advocates who’ve requested them in their efforts to educate themselves, their families, communities and schools.
We’ve received hundreds of support calls and emails and listened to victims, their stories and have guided them in a positive direction away from these abusive situations and or advised them in what they can do to help a loved one.
Looking into the New Year and the future we are thrilled to be implementing and sponsoring many new programs that will directly help people of all types of abuse move from victim to survivor. Some of these programs are outlined below.

Preventative Education Initiative and Study Guide:
A Study Guide designed for students, parents, educators and advocates, that outlines the basic red flags of abuse and predatory personalities.
First Annual Survivors & Advocates Retreat:

Bringing together Abuse Survivors and Advocates of those involved in High-Demand Predatory groups and relations for a weekend of connection and healing.
The launch of our sister organization - EndingAbuse.org where we will be focusing on healing and education. (please note this website is still under development)
We want to Thank all of our readers, supporters and advocates that have helped us get to where we are at. We absolutely could not do this work without your help! On behalf of the FACT team, victims and survivors, we are so grateful for all of your support.
As we head into the next year we need your support now to continue on with our important life saving work. We know you may be receiving a great deal of emails asking for donations this time of year, and we ask you to please consider the significance of our mission, which is over looked by most people who don't understand this very real and pressing social threat.
Please help us at F.A.C.T. with our victim support programs and preventative education and awareness initiatives. We ask that you consider making a donation, of any amount to support our mission.
Please Donate Today
Please Donate Today
Your generous contributions are what make it possible for us to fulfill our important, life saving work. We are a 501C3 non-profit, your generous donations are entirely tax deductible.
Thank you so much for making a year-end donation to F.A.C.T.!
We wish you the Happiest and Healthiest New Year!
The F.A.C.T. Team