Today marks the first day of our Spring 2016 donation drive. Due to our current restrained budget we are only able to work on a select amount of victim support cases, especially those which involve the exploitation and abuse of children. With your generous support, we'll be able to accept more cases and help more desperate victims escape their destructive groups and reunite with their families, in addition to:
-Putting destructive groups out of business with the help of investigators, law enforcement and the legal system
-Educating vulnerable students in schools about active destructive groups, including the warning signs of recruitment
-Monitoring and reporting cult group activities to the media to generate awareness and educate the public
-Providing support to families in need who suffer the loss of loved ones to controlling groups
And much more...
Please consider making a donation today and know that 100% of your contribution goes towards FACT's mission. We've been given a gold rating from for our transparency and accountability as a non-profit, meaning we’re an organization you can trust. Also, please know that your donation is entirely tax-deductible.
On behalf of suffering cult victims and families everywhere, we cannot thank you enough for your generous support.
Tibor Stern President of FACT

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