Sunday, August 10, 2014

Helping Families Reunite

We are currently involved with five different intervention cases to help rescue children from destructive cults and reunite them with their families.

Please note: cases we receive involving minors are reported immediately to the proper authorities, to whom we offer our support.

If you know anyone who needs help, please contact us via our victim support form.

Friday, August 1, 2014


We would like to welcome three new volunteers to our organization: Dorine Russo, Alysia Press, and Orly Bar Moshe. We feel so privileged to have them on board donating a great deal of their time and effort in many different ways: researching, social media, blog writing, and much more, and we cannot thank them enough for their extremely generous help, which is beyond measure. 
If you would like to be a part of our volunteer team to help current cult victims and prevent new ones from occurring, please contact us via our volunteer form.
"Unselfish and noble actions are the most radiant pages in the biography of souls." -David Thomas

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Who is most Vulnerable to Cults?

Who is most Vulnerable to Cults?

In truth, absolutely anyone can become a victim but they are often those individuals who are young, intelligent, and idealistic. They are most likely to be 'recruited' during a transition period in their life- when they are more vulnerable to outside coercion and manipulation.

Think you are immune? Think again. Victims of cults are lawyers, doctors, stay at home moms, celebrities, CEO's, charity workers, the homeless to millionaires and everything in between. How much money you have, how smart you are, who your parents are, what town or school you went to…none of these things matter.

The leaders of these cults are people who are "sociopaths". They are not like you and me, these are people who have no conscious, no real emotion, and no regard for others. They are driven by their need to exert power and control, and will stop at nothing in their quest to do so.

They recruit their victims slowly, using subtle techniques of psychological manipulation to win your trust and friendship. It is FACT, psychological manipulation slowly and methodically wears down your sense of self-worth, self-confidence, self-concept and trust in your own perceptions. Just like how a frog will immediately jump out of a pot of boiling water-but it will boil and die if placed in a pot of cool water that slowly heats to a boil. They are experts at analyzing you, and providing you with exactly the things you are unconsciously seeking.

Learning to recognize the personality style of manipulators is the only way to protect yourself from further abuse. Expert Philip Zimbardo says that mind control is a "process by which individual or collective freedom of choice and action is compromised by agents or agencies that modify or distort perception, motivation, affect, cognition and/or behavioral outcomes" and he suggests that everyone is susceptible to such manipulation.

According to Wikipedia: Philip George Zimbardo is a psychologist and a professor emeritus at Stanford University. He became known for his 1971 Stanford prison experiment and has since authored various introductory psychology books, textbooks for college students, and other notable works, including The Lucifer Effect, The Time Paradox and the The Time Cure. He is also the founder and president of the Heroic Imagination Project.

Next week we will discuss the various techniques these manipulators deploy on their victims.

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Sharon Stern Story printed in the Miami Herald!

Our long-awaited article in the Miami Herald has finally come out, written by the talented Julie Brown.

It tells the tragic story Sharon Stern in a succinct yet powerful way.

If you have a minute to read it, this link will take you to the Miami Herald article.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Cult Leader Katsura Kan has been served!

While in Thailand for a performance, Katsura Kan was legally served on behalf of the Sharon Stern estate, for the wrongful death of Sharon Stern. This was a monumental step towards getting justice for Sharon and her family. Here are the details of what happened:

At 8:10, the investigator saw a red Mini Cooper car, red plate number: 0922, Bangkok pull over in the front of Democrazy Theatre Studio. The driver of the car was a man called Mr. Num (Mr. Kritsana), the passenger who sat next to Mr. Num was Mr. Katsura Kan and a lady was seen sitting in the back. All three people got out of the car and went into Democrazy Theatre Studio. The investigator went to the entrance of Democrazy Theatre Studio and asked to meet Mr. Katsura Kan. When the investigator met Mr. Katsura Kan, the investigator said “Are you Katsura Kan”. He confirmed that he was. The investigator said “This is a complaint against you pending in the Broward County Circuit Court and you have 20 days to respond”. Mr. Katsura Kan smiled and took the document. The investigator asked Mr. Katsura Kan to sign the receipt document. Mr. Katsura Kan signed the receipt document for the investigator.

View the
Katsura Kan Service Of Process Report.

View the
Katsura Kan Service Verification.

Stay tuned for updates...

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