Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Human Trafficking Cases Jump 25% in 2018

According to the Polaris Project, Human Trafficking is up 25% in 2018.

"Cases of labor trafficking decreased by 2 percent, indicating that the current climate of fear in immigrant and minority communities is likely suppressing reports to the National Hotline. Globally, as well as in the United States, experts believe labor trafficking is far more widespread than sex trafficking. 

Yet, the cases reported to the National Hotline rarely reflect that. A total of 1,249 cases of labor trafficking were reported in 2018, compared to 1,276 in 2017. 

This World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, as human trafficking reports are on the rise but labor trafficking cases continue to be under reported, it is imperative to remember that human trafficking comes in all forms, not just sex trafficking. It is time to shift the narrative and help connect survivors of the 25 types of human trafficking to services and support."

Read full article Here

Here is their list of 25 types of human trafficking: 

Recreational Facilities
Health Care Industry
Forestry & Logging 
Remote Interactive Sexual Acts 
Factories & Manufacturing  
Commercial Cleaning Services
Arts & Entertainment
Illicit Acts 
Hotels & Hospitality 
Health & Beauty Services 
Personal Sexual Servitude
Agriculture & Animal Husbandry 
Peddling & Begging 
Restaurants & Food Service
Traveling Sales Crews
Bars, Strip Clubs & Cantinas
Domestic Work
Outdoor Solicitation 
Illicit Massage, Health & Beauty
Escort Services 

Our reports indicate a lot of labor trafficking and exploitation is occurring in faith based communities, which are mostly all approved as 501c3 non-profit, tax exempt organizations - as well as spiritual enlightenment / self-help / half-way house type groups - which are Not regulated at all.  

We have put in a call to the Polaris Project to see about collaboration.

The FACT Team

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