Monday, November 6, 2017

FACT will conclude the Uma Inder expose this Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov 9, 10th and 11th.

Dear F.A.C.T. Followers,

Just to inform you, this platform will be devoted to the Uma Inder expose for the time being.

We will not tolerate any personal attacks from either side. We will not tolerate any accusations or revealing of any personal information about either the accusers or the followers / defenders of Uma Inder. The expose is about Uma, who was a trusted teacher for many of her followers. Some of those followers woke up and decided that harm was done to their existence and daily life by Uma’s teachings. Some of her defenders are still defending Uma, which they have a right to do so. As such, we are interested to see how Uma would change her alleged misconduct as a teacher and we will address that in our conclusion. We will re-open our Facebook site to everyone, to those who alleged Uma abused them, and to those who feel they need to defend Uma’s practices.
No-one will be allowed to personally attack anyone. No attacking the victims who allege abuse and no attacking the defenders of Uma.

Additionally, Uma as a teacher, has the responsibility to ensure that her students are well, and to address any and all complaints. Her defenders should not be her mouthpiece. Uma Inder should speak for herself.

F.A.C.T. has more than enough evidence to defend the truth and to stand behind the victims. We are discussing the alleged improper teachings of Uma Inder and we will give a platform for Uma’s defenders to express their views. Uma Inder is a teacher and as such has high control and influence over her followers critical thinking. We do not wish to see any post by anyone up until our conclusion at the end of this week, at which time everyone will have a platform to speak up. No organization can be more unbiased and as fair as we are.

Best to you all,

The F.A.C.T. Team
Families Against Cult Teachings, Inc.

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