Thursday, February 25, 2021

Letter from Chris Chandler Author of Enthralled: The Guru Cult of Tibetan Buddhism

 Dear Tibor:

Hope this email finds you well. 

I imagine you in Florida, now.

I updated my book, and noticed that you have my older edition as part of donation gift, and I wanted to make sure you had updated books to give, if that is still part of your site.  So let me know and I will send a ½ dozen to send out if you are still doing this, and my contribution to the Bravest Anti-Cult site left. 

The updated edition is more current and puts you in the acknowledgements.

Here is my article  about the “Naropa” decision, on my blog, where I get close to a thousand  new viewers  around the world every month,  reading it.   Statistics show they read this article AND often click on your F.A.C.T. site. Helping each other gets the word out.  Don’t let the thought police, rampant now, stop the truth.  I won’t.

So let me know Tibor, if you are still offering this book as a gratuity for donations and I will send you a corrected edition supply

Hope you are enjoying yourself in what must be the best weather.  We can’t wait for May in xxxx, when we can finally get out on our boat. It’s great to NOT think about these things when we can.

Best to you and your family,

Chris Chandler

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