Monday, May 8, 2017


Location: Red Bluff, CA

As a non-profit organization helping cult victims and suffering families, we need to initiate a preliminary investigation into every complaint we receive. Unfortunately for most complaints sent in to our office, we find them to be legitimate and typically substantiated by additional corroborating complaints / evidence that come in as a result of our fact-finding outreach efforts.

In this case however, we did not receive any other complaints against the First Church of God and/or its leadership, and could also not find any negative corroborating information online to support the allegations made against them. We also called First Church of God and spoke with the head of the church, Pastor Sean Story, who was very open and forthcoming with answering all questions. Since no more complaints or evidence have come in to substantiate the complaint filer’s allegation, at this point our investigation is closed.
We have removed our previous post on all social media platforms. We thank the First Church of God for their cooperation with our investigation.


The FACT Team
Families Against Cult Teachings, Inc.

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