Tuesday, December 1, 2015

My son was pulled into a cult 8 years ago...


"I will be making a donation today and want to ask if I might be of service on college Campuses? My son was pulled into a cult 8 years ago and although I am lucky to once again have my son in my life he is not recovered from mind control-even after an intervention. I have learned so much about how to deal with my son and endour the heartache. I would be grateful to have the opportunity to spare other families the same heartache! Thank you for your work against destructive groups."

WE THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support and for wanting to help us in our mission to arm students and families with the information they need to realize the insidious cultic threat on their campuses before it's too late.

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Please consider those who have been victimized by cults this ‎GivingTuesday.

Please consider those who have been victimized by cults this #‎GivingTuesday.

"The cult ruined my life forever. No matter how many years pass, or how many miles I put between them, the damaging effects have pervaded all my decisions, all my emotions, all my reactions and all my ability to make the best of myself and those I care about."

-- Ex-Cult Victim


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Monday, November 30, 2015

F.A.C.T will be a part of #‎GivingTuesday!

Just a reminder...tomorrow December 1st, F.A.C.T will be a part of #‎GivingTuesday, a movement designed to transform the way people think about, talk about and participate in the giving season.

There are literally millions of victims in the U.S. and we are the only non-profit organization focusing our efforts on fighting cult groups, rescuing victims, reuniting families and educating students about this insidious threat lurking on campuses nationwide.

Please consider donating and sharing our organization with friends and family to help us continue our important work.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Many companies offer a donation matching program...

Happy Black Friday everyone one! Hope you got (or are getting) the deals you've been yearning for.

Just to remind you #‎GivingTuesday is coming up soon and we need your support to continue our mission of fighting destructive cult groups, educating / warning the public, saving victims and reuniting families.

FYI employees, many companies offer a donation matching program, sometimes even at 1:1. If you would like to check and see if your company offers matching to make your donation go even further, please click the link:


THANK YOU for helping us to continue our important work! We cannot do it without you.

-The FACT Team

Monday, November 23, 2015



"Name of Group or Church: Guy Miller Ministries / Church of Life in Christ

Where: McKeesport, Pennsylvania

Leader(s): Guy Walter Miller

Complaint: Most, if not all of the congregation refer to Guy Miller as "Master."

There are special "bless the pastor" days where people are encouraged to give extra financial donations on top of their tithes, for the pastor to use however he chooses. The funds are then used to go on vacations, sometimes with the closest members of the clergy, or to buy new cars etc.

There is a strong focus on discipline. Spanking children is a frequent occurrence, usually done in private rooms.

The congregation is made to feel "less than" if they are not attending every service and church function. Most followers feel the need to get permission to miss services or functions.

As a member of the church, if you happen to associate with ex-members, you are highly frowned upon and made to feel unworthy and sinful.

Some followers are afraid to make any life decisions apart from Guy Miller's counsel.

There are several families that have been torn apart because of the teachings and beliefs being spread to the congregation."

ATTENTION: We are looking for more information about this church for our upcoming expose. Please let us know if you have a complaint about this group and/or its leader(s) and thank you to all those who have already submitted.


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