Tuesday, April 14, 2015

It's Time to Report Cults to the IRS

If you’ve ever left a cult, you quickly realize that most people don’t understand what you’ve gone through unless they’ve been through it themselves. Getting law enforcement officials to understand the harassment you’ve likely experienced seems almost impossible.

However, there is something you can do. It’s called the IRS Complaint Form 13909. What this form does is allow you to tell the IRS about the abuses of tax-exempt organizations without worry about being subject to retaliation.

Most cults have IRS tax-exempt status. Unfortunately, the IRS is unaware how these organizations can inflict deep psychological wounds on unsuspecting victims. The IRS also doesn’t know how many of these cults use threats to intimidate and control people through fear. This is one the reasons many of these abuses go unreported.

However, the IRS Complaint Form was developed with that thought in mind. It allows a person to report the abuses without becoming public record, thusly shielding the identity of the person filing the report.

These reports are kept by the IRS and the supposition is that if the IRS gets enough of these reports about a particular organization, their tax-exempt status might be in jeopardy.

Line 5 has a box that you can check if you are concerned that you might face retaliation if your identity is disclosed. The form is self-explanatory and should be used to report abusive practices to the IRS. You can download the form on Scribd.com at the link below:

IRS Complaint Form 13909

Sunday, April 12, 2015

What a Nice Surprise!

We received such a wonderful surprise in the mail today.

A donation came in from the Bootleg Theater in Los Angeles, CA, who hosts a writing competition that donates a portion of the prize money to a charity of the winner’s choosing.

We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to Kathy Schenkelberg for selecting us to be the recipient of this award. Congratulations Kathy for your win in the competition, and again for making us your charity of choice!

- From All of Us at FACT

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Power of Denial

Last month we discovered that Katsura Kan is conducting a student workshop in NYC. Upon hearing this news, we immediately sent the theatre that is hosting the workshop information and evidence about Kan's past manipulation and exploitation of his students. Their response was to threaten our organization with a lawsuit for libel, defamation, and harassment, opting to protect this evil sociopath rather than side with the facts and evidence to protect susceptible students from potential harm.

We also contacted the City of New York's Department of Cultural Affairs and the Department of Education to inform them of Katsura's workshop, both of whom were open to receiving and reviewing our information, and we look forward to hearing back from them.

This is what we are dealing with so often, in one simple word: denial; a denial which is causing so much needless suffering and damage to people's lives.

If they want to sue our organization that is of course their prerogative, but we are approved to bring awareness and to reveal the facts so that no other kids will be hurt by this predator and those like him. Moreover, we will continue to do so for as long as it takes to stop these wicked monsters from having their way.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Scientology Fraud

Scientology Leader, David Miscaviage, spends $10K a week of tax exempt church money to spy on his own father!

Read the story here in the LA times!


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Word of Faith Fellowship update... Word of Faith Fellowship update:

The WOFF church has lost some important funding from Brevard Jewish Community and Friends, as stated in an open letter to them,

“We have recently learned that several leaders within the Word of Faith church have been indicted on some very serious and very disturbing charges,” the letter said. “While we believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, we have also learned that there is a history of similar accusations involving this church. The abuse and persecution of anyone based on race, sexual orientation or religion is not acceptable to us.”

You can read the full story and letter here: http://rccatalyst.com/?p=21014

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