Thursday, November 10, 2016


This film explores the eerie world of ego-maniacal gurus and their Western counterparts, known as "New Agers". In a series of exclusive, candid interviews, you will share the thoughts of the Hindu "Master", and witness the blind devotion and unquestioning obedience of his disciples.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

COMPLAINT FILED AGAINST Grace Communion International

COMPLAINT FILED AGAINST ‘World Wide Church of God / Grace Communion'

We are looking into a complaint that alleges this church is being run like a cult. The victim claims that as a child she was brought into the cult by her parents, then physically and emotionally abused while in the group, isolated, punished cruelly and more. Now as an adult she suffers from PTSD and other mental health ailments from her trauma, and is estranged from her family.

If you would like to file a formal complaint against this group or have any relevant information to share, please contact us.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Leah Remini reveals she's being stalked by Scientology

LEAH REMINI reveals that she’s been stalked during production of her new TV series:

“I’m used to people following me. But I’m used to them being paparazzi. They’re people who have cameras in their hands, and you know what they want. I’ve never been a fan of the paparazzi. But this was different,” she says. “I want to expose the private investigators that Scientology is sending to follow people like me. This causes me some concern. I have a child. And if you’re a cop who became a dirty cop, I have an issue with it.”

Leah Remini’s A&E television series about the Church of Scientology premieres on November 29, 2016. 

For more information about this story or about Scientology in general, please visit Tony Ortega's excellent website that 'tells all'.

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Ex-members of the Homestead Heritage Church community talk about their horrible experiences growing up in this group, in Part Two of the WFAA ABC news report.

Veteran investigative journalist Brett Shipp says, in his entire career, he’s never had to work so hard to corroborate allegations of an important story:

“What started out at a lone complaint from a former member (who later decided it was too risky to continue providing me with information) evolved into a laborious quest to track down and authenticate allegations of abuse.” he says. “So many people who started to tell their stories backed out for fear of severing ties with family and friends within the compound … many took months to convince to talk … Some would only talk on background, others were able to provide me with compelling evidence but wished to remain anonymous. Only the extremely brave or determined dared speak out.”

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Jerry Stocking Investigation

JERRY STOCKING, sex coach / guru and practitioner of Neuro-linguistic Programming (a form of hypnosis), who has written numerous articles focusing on the importance of sex in a relationship (and how to improve it), is all of a sudden writing about love without sex and deemphasizing its importance.

It is very odd to us that he would be changing his position now when FACT is looking into all complaints made against him regarding allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior. A coincidence perhaps, but we believe it is due to our investigation of the very serious sexual misconduct allegations against him.

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