Complaints - Shambala & Butoh

Complaints - Religious Cults

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Update on Uma Inder and Another Complaint Filed

 Another recent complaint we received about Uma Inder.

"Subject : Uma Inder

Your Message : Is there anymore happenings relating to Uma Inder Expose? I have observed and known Uma Inder's disgusting behavior for many years now. Though I was never a member of the cult, but I know intimately how she operates and have been the receiver of many of her tantrums and attempt to manipulate, control and dominate. I am afraid to be found out though. I just wish for her to stop operating in Bali, where her behavior have continued without consequences, even minor operations such as her unlicensed herbal company and private consultations."

Update from Yoga Alliance in response to our email to them about allegations against Uma Inder:

"Hello Tibor,

According to our records, Uma Inder does not currently hold our RYT credential. Thank you for alerting us to the fact that her website still includes the RYT Designation.


Leigh Evans
Accountability Manager
Direct: (571) 319.0824"

*RYT stands for Registered Yoga Teacher - 500 hours or more.

As such, we have once again contacted Donny Day, founder of Physiyoga & yoga house in Toronto, Canada and also the Nordic SATYA team In Norway where we believe Uma Inder has scheduled classes. We believe it is there responsibility to inform students of the allegations against Uma Inder and the Register Yoga Teacher credentials that she no longer holds with Yoga Alliance. It is our hope that they do so immediately. Students have a right to know.

Thank you all for your continued support and for speaking up.

The FACT Team

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