Complaints - Shambala & Butoh

Complaints - Religious Cults

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Guru Swami Vishwananda in Germany

We were asked to share this blog post and information about Guru Swami Vishwananda.

"First of all it has to be mentioned that this text is not directed against homosexuality whatsoever. The article below is based on facts and experience of a big number of young men who came in contact with a gay guru, who acts as a spiritual father of monks and nuns. It was not written as revenge but to provide information and freedom to choose beforehand whether somebody wants to visit an ashram/ guru or not. We thank this forum for allowing critical information to be voiced, as it is key in our societies to share experiences to show up possible offenses.

Warning - If you are a truth seeker, want to mediate, learn yoga or in search of a spiritual guide and consider to visit the ashram of Swami Vishwananda from Heidenrod-Springen in Germany, which is situated 1 hour west of Frankfurt/ Main, beware of visiting the ashram and please be mindful of the following information. It is then up to you to proceed with your aspirations or to stay away from this ashram and guru."

Read the full blog post / expose here:

Please share this to help raise awareness.

Thank you,

The FACT Team 

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