Complaints - Shambala & Butoh

Complaints - Religious Cults

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Katsura Kan, Teacher Found Guilty in Wrongful Death Suit Sch'd to Perform in Paris

Katsura Kan, Butoh dance teacher who was found guilty and liable in 17th Judicial Circuit Court of Broward County, FL in the wrongful death of one of his students, is scheduled to perform on May 27,28,29 and June 1, 2019 at:

Espace Culturel Bertin Poiree
Franco Japanese Cultural Association of Tenri
8-12, rue Berlin Poiree Chatelet,

It is unacceptable in our society, for a Hitler sympathizer who as a teacher, was found liable for the wrongful death of one of his students Sharon Stern, to be promoted and given a platform by institutions to continue his evil teachings and exploitation of innocent minds.

Psychological Evaluation of Sharon Stern

Guilty Verdict


I hope you will understand the severity of his crime and stop his performance.

If you don’t agree with the Japan Cultural Association and the organizers decision to give a platform for Katsura Kan, you may express your ideas and feelings about this issue in a direct email or phone call to them.    Tel: +33 (0) 144 76 06 06 


Katsura Kan, une enseignante déclarée coupable dans une affaire de mort injustifiée, doit se produire à Paris. 
Katsura Kan, enseignante de danse butoh, déclarée coupable et passible devant le 17e tribunal judiciaire de première instance du comté de Broward, Floride, du décès injustifié de l'un de ses élèves, doit se produire les 27, 28 et 29 mai et le 1er juin 2019 à:

Espace Culturel Bertin Poiree
Association Culturelle Franco-Japonaise de Tenri
Franco Japanese Cultural Association of Tenri

S'il vous plaît entrez ici le photo de l'événement comme indiqué sur le site

lLe deuxième paragraphe 
Il est inacceptable dans notre société, pour un sympathisant Hitlérien qui, en tant qu'enseignant, a été reconnu coupable de la mort injustifiée de l'une de ses étudiantes, Sharon Stern, d'être promu et incité par les institutions à poursuivre ses mauvais enseignements et à exploiter des esprits innocents. 

S'il vous plaît entrez ici le photo de l'événement comme indiqué sur le site

Le 3ème paragraphe

Le verdict du tribunal rendu le 18 mars 2019. Requête en jugement sommaire partiel: 

Sur la responsabilité des défendeurs pour le décès erroné de Sharon Stern

S'il vous plaît entrez ici le photo de l'événement comme indiqué sur le site

Thank You,
Tibor Stern on Behalf of Sharon Stern Estate.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Scientology & The Aftermath - A Personal Account from Janette Allen

We would like to give Janette the opportunity to share part of her story and views on our platform. 

This is a personal account from a former Scientologist of 25 years, Janette Allen.

Hi. I first left Scientology back in 2011 when my then husband and I got wind of the St.Pete Times articles - The Truth Rundown. We were shocked to say the least of the stories of former sea org members and their accounts of abuse. We stayed under the radar for a year to try and come up with an exit strategy as we were entrenched in the Clearwater Scientology community - I had a thriving business and my then husband worked for a Scientology company, our kids went to Scientology private schools etc. We attended a bbq where Mike Rinder, Marty Rathbun and many other former sea org and Scientologists (out and under radar) were gathering, we wanted to hear the stories straight from the horses mouth. Needless to say, a picture was taken with the entire group at the BBQ and it made it's way back to the "church" and from that point on my then husband got fired from his job, I lost all my accounts, 90% of my clients were Scientologists, our lifelong "friends" disconnected from us -  overnight our entire lives were turned upside down and we were financially distraught. We supported this exodus of leaving Scientology and withdrawing our allegiance to this group that we thought was doing so much good for the world.

We donated money to the Marc and Claire Headley fund for their attorney fees for their lawsuit, we donated money to Debbie Cook and supported her through her trial. I made it a point to go and visit with Debbie Cook in San Antonio - having never met her before, I was appalled of her claims of abuse and again wanted to hear it from the "horses mouth" and she agreed to meet with me, where I urged her to come forward with all that she knew. Months later, I attended her court hearing and listened to her account of abuse for 2 days in San Antonio, TX.

I have supported the ex Sea Org members through the majority of this exodus and expose of abuses since 2011 when I left, it was to the detriment of my own family and finances. I didn't have to, nor did anyone have to, many including myself, could have just stayed under the radar, not supporting the "church" but not speaking out either and all the while our lives would have been better off as a result, maintaining family, friends, finances etc.

It takes a while for a person to come full circle on what happened / happens in these cult communities. It has taken me many years to make sense of it all - all the while dealing with my own struggles financially, emotionally etc. 

Within the last year I've witnessed some very shocking things occur. I've witnesses a young Scientologist (one of my child's best friends growing up, who used to live with us off and on) do a segment on the Aftermath show (I will not name names for confidentiality reasons), lose her family, friends and entire community as a result of doing the segment, only in the end it not make it to air for "legal reasons". Grown adults, who manage a non-profit and run a TV show - knowing the consequences this young girl will face for doing a segment on the show, still went ahead and wanted to film her story and let her face the "Aftermath" and consequences for doing so. If these grown adults, who have much more resources than this child has, had her back and her best interest at heart they would have responsibly advised her to stay under the radar, keep her family support system continue to focus on herself, get some counseling and just withdraw quietly from the community without being declared an sp etc. But instead, they wanted to run with her story, to sell more TV. They didn't need her story and in the end didn't run it anyways for "legal reasons" and her life is upside down and in shambles as a result.

She deactivated her social media accounts as the drama was overwhelming to her last summer. I supported her in that. She then told me that "Aaron Smith-Levin asked her to reactivate her facebook account and make her fundraiser for the Aftermath Foundation live again as it was gaining "traction and funds". She complied. I was in shock. This 24 year old young girl, who was going through a major crisis, just lost her family, was not stable in the least - and Aaron had the audacity to ask her to publicize her fundraiser. There is more but I will leave it at that!

Another shocker - I have personal lifelong friends who are stuck financially to a job with a Scientologist owned company. The husband used to be sea org at the International Base, the wife worked at a Scientology Mission for 10 years. The wife is under the radar because of her job, the husband not so much and may have been declared, and they are raising and homeschooling their child all the while on the road working endlessly. Financially they are stuck and ruined living paycheck to paycheck. I reached out to the Aftermath Foundation on their behalf to ask for 3 months of relief and help for them so they can quit their job with the Scientologist as it causes a lot of stress for them. The relief funds would have gone to pay 3 months worth of rent and living expenses so they could finally get off the road and get a stable apt and look for work outside of the Scientology community and pay expenses for 3 months while getting back on their feet (they traveled full time for work, were technically homeless - lost their home while in Clearwater as a result of debt from high pressured donations etc) living at hotels and in their car at times while traveling for this job. On top of all of this, the wife recently got diagnosed with cancer and needs to be in a stress free environment as her life depends on it. What was the Aftermath Foundations response to their "application" for help ?

"February 23, 2019

Dear XXXXX, Thank you for submitting an application for aid.

The purpose and mission of The Aftermath Foundation is a narrow one: “To help those who have recently left Scientology or the Sea Org, or those who want to leave, but lack a system of support to rely on while getting on their feet in the outside world.” Upon a close examination of all the data you provided to us, the board finds that you unfortunately do not qualify for aid from The Aftermath Foundation. Your current situation, as painful and heartbreaking as it is, is not related to having recently left or needing help to “get on your feet.” You left the Sea Org in 1998. You were declared 6 years ago. Our suggestion is that you apply for aid to one of the numerous foundations that assists cancer patients. Therefore your application for financial aid cannot be approved. The board however is eager and able to help you in creating a current resume and maybe even in finding a new job through our volunteer network. You can write a specific request for this help if you desire it, and it will be forwarded to all pertinent volunteers.

Sincerely, The Board of Directors The Aftermath Foundation"

According to The Aftermath Foundation website their Mission Statement is as follows:

"The Aftermath Foundation exists to help those who want to leave Scientology and the Sea Organization, but lack a system of support they can rely on while getting on their feet in the outside world.

Former Sea Org members tend to be industrious workers but many have no employment history nor family outside of Scientology. Further, many have no formal education, bank account, driver’s license or credit history.

The challenges one encounters when leaving Scientology and the Sea Org are many. The Aftermath Foundation is devoted to providing resources, support, and advocacy to those who leave so they can gain their independence and make their way in the world. The Aftermath Foundation is also dedicated to raising public awareness of the abusive practices of the Church of Scientology."

Nowhere on their website does it state "Recently want to leave Scientology or the Sea Org".

Their Aftermath promotional cards state the following - the picture is straight from their social media page:

I'd like to say this - I'm extremely disappointed in the Aftermath Foundation and all the people who are on the Board of Directors. There are a lot of people who are / were in desperate situations that you have denied help to - people who supported all of you ex sea org only years later to be silenced, censored, blocked, used and their stories, questions, voices and circumstances disregarded on your "Fans of Leah Remini Scientology & The Aftermath facebook group, on other platforms and in general.

To act by your actions as if you all are the "elite" bringing Scientology abuses to the forefront and most everyone else treated as if they are nobody yet once again (like people were treated by many of the sea org while In Scientolgy). You're lack of compassion, empathy and "status happy ego's Shine through. Specifically to Rinder, Rathbun, Cook and the rest of the ex-sea org members & others - Profiting off of book deals, TV shows, backdoor legal settlements, bobbleheads, youtube channels, "fame/status", blogs etc etc - while there is still abuse occurring on both sides of this war - I'm ashamed I ever supported any of you - you are not the kind of people I once thought you were.

If any of YOU - Rinder, Rathbun, Cook, Miscaviage Sr. etc have information that can help in unsolved criminal cases - YOU HAVE A MORAL OBLIGATION TO DO SO - even if that means incriminating yourselves and doing a little bit of time. Someone Take one for the team and shut this war down!

I'm happy to be FREE from this toxic, social mofia like war that the lot of you former top executives Created. I hope you can sleep as good as I do at night - I know my conscious is Clean!


Disclaimer: The above statement is not the view of F.A.C.T. Inc, we are merely providing a platform for former cult members to speak their truth and stories, free of censorship.

Thank you,
The FACT Team

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Leah Remini's Scientology & the Aftermath Show - A Dog & Pony Show?

Considering we here at F.A.C.T. talk to many former members of church/cult groups, former parishioners as well as former executives / elders within the "core clergy" of various "church" groups, we feel it is important to keep in mind that churches are made up of individuals whether in the core clergy or as public parishioners.

The Constitution ensures Americans the right to our Religious Freedom - to believe or worship as we see fit. Church policies would not be applicable or enforced if individuals did not choose to accept and apply them - Free Will. Brainwashing/mind control/undue influence are theories to consider without a doubt, however when it comes to real crimes and harm against others - Individual Responsibility and Accountability is a must! When laws are broken, when lives are lost, when crimes are committed, when people are taken advantage of, tricked, deceived, financially abused etc there must be personal individual accountability for ones action(s). In many Ex-Communities, former members point the fault and blame for abuse, shunning etc all on the leader(s) and church policies as to their experiences, what they did or didn't do as a result of participation and membership in their particular group / church. It boils down to individuals and we've talked to many people over the years who were in these type of executive or leadership positions in churches/cults and made their choice not to follow policies or take harmful actions against others regardless of being instructed to do so. We've talked to former members who were on the verge of losing their children from shunning / disconnection policies. Some decided to stay under the radar to avoid such devastation in their relationships and lives. Some left their groups only to rejoin years later and do the steps necessary to "repent" and get in good standing with their group again so they can have relationships with their children and or stay in long enough to get through to their children to leave with them. In other words there are many ways to maneuver depending on what ones agenda, priorities and circumstances are.  

We've been hearing about a perspective surface in recent months about some of the crew on A & E's Scientology & the Aftermath Show that we feel is important to share. Stories of former Scientologists who have a bad taste in their mouth about information control tactics and treatment by some of the Ex-Scientology community as they are receiving similar treatment that was done while in the Scientology culture. One example is being censored on support groups such as the main facebook group "Supporters of Leah Remini Scientology & the Aftermath".

Why are former Scientologists being censored from sharing their experiences, views, opinions and questions and blocked on a support group aimed at exposing scientology abuses?

We've gotten permission from the authors of the below posts to publish on our platform.

Sam Freeman - who was a long time Scientologist in the "elite" sea org for a while as well as a public paying Scientologist. In a support group on facebook called Scientology Death and Disconnection - The Description of the group: "Giving the victims of Scientology a voice. No politics or grandstanding. Just facts."  San Freeman writes the following post:


"Is a term Scientologists use to describe a situation whereby they pretend they support the cult but are secretly in disagreement with its abusive practices. On that note, if anyone remains in any doubt in regards to my position on Mike Rinder and Leah Remini I’m going to clarify it here for the sake of posterity:

Mike Rinder (co-host of the show Leah Reminid Scientology & the Aftermath show) and Marty Rathbun are completely and EQUALLY responsible for every single atrocity and cover-up perpetrated on the victims of Scientology both past and present. Leah Remini is fully aware of this inconvenient truth but has never allowed it to stand in the way of her own personal ambition to milk her position as the unelected celebrity spokesperson for the cult’s victims to the max. ‘Scientology and the Aftermath’ was a study in elitist nepotism at best, and at worst a convenient way for Mike Rinder to cleverly circumvent any real inquiry into the true circumstances of those victims who were carefully buried and silenced by David Miscavige and his two henchmen Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun.

While I remain fully supportive of the many brave ex Scientologists who came forward and told their stories on the Aftermath’, it is my own personal considered opinion that they were simply used by Tony Ortega, Mike Rinder and Leah Remini to forward their own personal agendas. My opinion may be unpopular. I don’t care. I am as tired of ‘flying under the radar’ now within the larger ex Scientology Community as I was prior to taking a stand against the elitist liars in the cult only to find the same situation repeated outside.

I’m not asking anyone to ‘take sides’ or show support or lack thereof for this post. I just feel the need to unburden myself from any fake friendships or alliances where I will find it necessarily to take up a position in the future in order to ensure that Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun receive the exact same punishments for their crimes as David Miscavige himself when the ‘chips’ finally do ‘fall’ as the general nature of karmic justice demands.

On that note I will leave just one small measure of the mountain of evidence of David Miscavige’s numerous lies and the collusion of such by Mike Rinder, Marty Rathbun and Ron Miscavige (Leader of Scientology David Miscaviges ownfather) (Tom Cruise and John Travolta notwithstanding) here so those who have not seen it before can decide for themselves whether Mike Rinder and Ron Miscavige deserve the drooling adoration of ignorant Remini fans, or the sneering derision of small handful of ex Scientologists who understand that Mike Rinder and Ron Miscavige COULD in fact bring about the end of the cult they helped to create if they truly wanted to simply by telling the WHOLE truth (although God forbid we should stand in the way of the more vitally important mission of selling Tee Shirts and bobble heads).

I expect we may lose a handful of members as a result of this post. But those who may find my stance ‘offensive’ probably never belonged here in the first place. For the rest - thank you ALL for being here and supporting us. No one can take on the cult alone and win regardless of rank and file position on the totem pole and I only hope you have found some small measure of peace in return."

Here's a couple of media links and some history on Sam Freeman (Damingo).

Inside Scientology and Escaping the Witnesses Documentary:

Another very compelling account from regarding the "Where's Shelly Campaign".

First a bit about Alonzo straight from his blog: "Alanzo is an Ex-Scientologist who sees the same tribalism he escaped in Scientology rising up in Anti-Scientology.

Out of all the lessons he learned by escaping Scientology, he learned one lesson harder than any other: Never let your tribe do your thinking for you.

Alanzo thinks critically in the war between Scientology & Anti-Scientology. Alanzo was involved in Scientology for 16 years".

Is Mike Rinder's and Leah Remini's "Where's Shelly" campaign a Hoax?  Here's a conversation Alonzo says he had with Aaron Smith Levin - You Decide.

"Aaron runs the 16,000 member “Fans of Leah Remini Scientology and the Aftermath” Facebook group. Aaron is also on the board of the Aftermath Foundation. Aaron told his powerful story in Scientology on Season 1.

Last year, Aaron and I had about 5 or 6 phone calls, most lasting for an hour or more, where we discussed all kinds of issues about being an Ex-Scientologist, the show, my blog, his Youtube Show, other Exes, etc. During these conversations I made the point to Aaron that Mike Rinder was working with David Miscavige at Int Base the last time Shelly and David Miscavige were seen together. As the head of the Office of Special Affairs, Rinder would have known all about their decision to end their marriage, and to separate.

Public Relations-Wise, this would be a delicate issue: the Ecclesiastical Leader of the Scientology Religion simply does not have failed anythings – especially marriages.

So I asked Aaron: “Mike Rinder knows Shelly’s not missing, right?”Aaron said, “Of course.”

Read the full blog article here:

Another fact we'd like to point out - in the below picture Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun were once best buddy's in this anti-Scientology movement. It seems Marty Rathbun has come out with several videos claiming Mike Rinder and Leah Remini are running a "cult" outside of the cult.

Marty Rathbun Youtube video

There is a war going on - Scientology vs Anti Scientology. Many of the former top executives who ran the Church of Scientology have been out for years now, all over the media with their stories of abuse. There is no doubt abuse has occurred to many many people involved in Scientology, we hear stories all the time - Exposing is great, we applaud those efforts!

However, it is note worthy to point out that there is a lot of money and status to be made in a war. Anti-Scientology movement - book deals, tv shows, product sales, legal settlements? etc. The Scientology movement in an effort to counter attack the Aftermath show recently put up the below billboard. Many thousands and probably millions of dollars was gouged out of active members of the church for this counter attack campaign - more people being victimized financially in this war.

Does Mike Rinder, Marty Rathbun, Ron Miscavige (David Miscavige's father) and or other former  executives of the church have vital information and evidence that could take down David Miscavige and put an end to this??

We thought these opinions, views and accounts were extremely important to publish.

We will post in the following days other compelling views, opinions and experiences that you may not hear much about. You decide for yourself. 

Disclaimer: The above accounts and stories are not the view of F.A.C.T. Inc, we are merely providing a platform for former cult members to speak their truth and stories, free of censorship.

Thank you.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

A Mother's Day Wish

A long time activist who was victim to many years of harassment and black operations from the Office of Special Affairs in the Church of Scientology sent us an in kind donation in Honor of all Mother's. In addition to many years of harassment and "fair gaming" from the top Sea Organization members in the cult, also lost his marriage of 13 years to his then wife and mother of his children who disconnected from him.

Here is his message:

"Mother's Day wishes to all moms who have experienced family disconnection and other unsavory cult practices."

Thank you for your very thoughtful message and donation, it is greatly appreciated! We are very sorry you experienced so much pain and struggle from the that group - Big hugs to you sir!

We at FACT would also like to wish all Mother's a Very Happy Mother's Day, Thank you for all you do!

The F.A.C.T. Team