Complaints - Shambala & Butoh

Complaints - Religious Cults

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


by Paul R. Martin, Ph.D.


  • 1. I am lonely a good part of the time.
  • 2. I tend to be a follower more than a leader.
  • 3. I am not very satisfied with my church.
  • 4. Somehow, I feel my idealism and purpose in life hasn’t been properly tapped or challenged.
  • 5. I’ve been having some personal problems I can’t seem to solve.
  • 6. The cult issue is not much of a problem in this society.
  • 7. There are about 10-20 cults in the U.S.
  • 8. I could spot a cult with little effort.
  • 9. Most cultists wear unusual clothing or uniforms.
10. Most cults recruit on the street by selling flowers, books or requesting a donation.
11. There are very few cultic problems within evangelical Christianity.
12. All cults teach non-Christian or heretical doctrine.
13. I’m not the type of person who joins a cult.
14. Most people who join cults are weird. They have “problems.”
15. Truly dedicated, Spirit-led Christians would never join a cult.
16. People are in cults because of spiritual problems.
17. Those who are “saved” don’t join cults.
18. Cultism has little to do with totalitarianism, or problems of addiction.
19. People who join cults know what they are doing.
20. Groups that preach the gospel and are winning many to Christ cannot be


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Word of Faith Fellowship - Waiver and Release Form

Before becoming an official member of the WOFF family, you need to sign a legal contract that renders the church completely blameless for anything that may happen to you during the course of your involvement with them.

There is even a statement that says, "I understand that in some spiritual atmospheres there may be some mind control involved…"

Quite incredible.

Waiver and Release form

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Word of Faith Fellowship - New Member Handout Do's and Don'ts

If you want to become a member of the 'Word of Faith Fellowship' church in Spindale, NC, first you need to be "checked out" and approved by their leader Jane Whaley. Once accepted, you are given the rules. Some of our "favorites" include:

#3 You will be required to smile on command.
#19 Don’t read books that are not approved by leadership.
#50 Don’t complain when the offering plates are passed more than once.
#78 Don’t interview for a job unless it is “under authority”.
#80 Don’t make plans for college unless you have Jane check it out.
#118 Don’t let WOFF children play with children outside of WOFF.
#133 Don’t start a relationship without checking it out with Jane.
#134 Don’t decide who you will marry without checking it out with Jane.
#137 Don’t complain about the list of “dont's”.
#144 Don’t attack those in authority.
#145 Don’t question Jane’s authority to run WOFF.

Lastly, we hope you will be with us for many years to come. Don’t worry about memorizing this list. When you violate a “don’t”, you will be told-“We don’t do that”.

For the complete list of Do's and Dont's, download it here.
(created by an ex-member of the church based on personal experience)